How long have you been going through peri-menopause?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Oprah Winfrey's January 29th program

I taped the Oprah Winfrey show where Suzanne Somers talks about 'Bio identical hormones' and her success with them. I was amazed to hear some of the stories on the show from women who are sleeping again, having sex, feeling happy again, and no longer on emotional roller coasters.

I have to say, it gave me hope! I am in the process myself of scheduling an appointment with my gynecologist to do my blood tests of my hormone levels. I'm excited to get started so I can start sleeping through the night again. I think I'm at the beginning of my Peri-menopause so I think I am getting an early start.

Also, I have been taking some supplements from Melaleuca and some great vitamins from them as well and although my sleep is disturbed every night for about an hour, I am feeling better overall. The night sweats have reduced, the dizziness is far and few between, my emotions have not been extreme, and I am feeling like myself again. However, I am keeping busy in my community volunteering, getting involved in some hobbies, eating better, and trying to stay cleansed. All of these things help! But my sex drive has lessened, have some vaginal dryness, and I have gained weight which are also due to hormones.

Suzanne Somers talked about how our hormones are on a teeter totter. On one side are the major hormones- thyroid, cortisol, adrenals, insulin and the minor hormones - estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are on the other. As we enter Peri-menopause the minor hormones start dropping which cause the major hormones to take over and this causes us to become more tired, have less of a sex drive, gain weight, and start having insomnia.

When I heard her say this, it made so much sense to me that it got me back on this blog to share it with all of you. I will log on again soon with more information.

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