How long have you been going through peri-menopause?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Note from Crissy

Hi family and friends,

As you all know, I have suffered from gluten intolerance/sensitivity for some time. I was only made aware of the blood test for Celiac Disease recently and I had already been on a strict gluten-free diet. To my dismay, you can only be tested if you've had a high gluten diet for at least 6 weeks and I am definitely not willing to put myself through trauma again. I'm emailing you this link to an essay from a website my chiro told me about. The more research I do the more convinced I am that everyone should be tested.

Unfortunately, as this essay will reveal, blood tests only show up positive for a small amount of people who have already had damage done to their small intestine. This Dr. explains that gluten reactions take place inside the intestine and need to be tested with stool rather than with blood. Test results were 3x higher with this method, enabling doctors to catch this sensitivity/disease before people develop other associated autoimmune disorders.

I am very passionate about this subject and believe that this could help you or someone you love immensely. If you stick with the reading of this essay,you will see that gluten intolerance can be masked by a host of other debilitating symptoms. Please help spread this awareness!

Much love,

Serenity-Natural Progesterone and Your Health

Okay ladies, I just ordered a new product that I found online and I'm so excited to start using it. I have not been sleeping through the night lately and have been really concerned about the side affects of long term use of the Levora I'm taking. This new natural progesterone cream seems like it's going to do the trick. However, according to the booklet that came with the cream, I also need to change some things.

I need to eliminate or reduce alcohol, sugar, caffeine, chocolate, and high fat foods. Also, it's necessary to to eliminate artificial sweeteners, Mono-sodium Glutamate, and tobacco. Thank God I don't smoke, nor do I eat any foods with MSG, nor do I use artificial sweeteners. But, I do need to go back to Trader Joe's to start purchasing organic meats. eggs. and milk.

The meat, eggs, dairy, and milk products that are not natural or organic contain foreign oestrogen's that are used to add weight and monetary value to animals in our food chain at the expense of our health.

I can't start using the cream until day 14 of my cycle till day 28 for 3 months. I will keep you posted.