How long have you been going through peri-menopause?

Saturday, September 8, 2012


At my annual check up my doc was concerned about a little bleeding and pain I was experiencing so she ordered an ultra sound. They found that I have a small cyst.  So two months later, she ordered another ultra sound and its still there but small.  She said that if the bleeding continues then I have to call her. So far, no more bleeding but pain every once in a while when my menstrual cycle would have normally been occurring. 

Once I had a cyst that was so painful I had to pull over on the freeway and call my husband because I couldn't drive anymore.  He called an ambulance because I was wailing with pain on the side of the road. Funny to talk about it now because that day I was on my way to an interview for a teaching position in American Canyon. 

Obviously I never made the interview but thankfully my husband called and explained so they gave me another shot at it and hired me. LOL

I'm not working there anymore but I thought it was a funny story to share.  Those cysts can be extremely painful when they burst so be careful!  Pull over if you can't stand the pain no matter what!

Have a great day!

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