How long have you been going through peri-menopause?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Coconut Oil Does What?

Good Morning Ladies!

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted but for the past 6 months, I have been trying to get myself back on track with a new way to eat for life.  About 6 months ago, I was really sick and had to go to the hospital for massive pain in my gut.  The doctor said after many tests, that I have diverticulitis.

At that time, I had shared my illness with my niece who got me interested in taking care of my gut by changing to Raw Milk.  Yep, I did the switch and it has saved my life.  When I was sick, I looked pregnant!  I wasn't pregnant at 55 years of age at that time and now 56 but instead I had gained 15 pounds and felt sick daily.  I was bloated and was getting worse everyday.  Even with the raw milk, I wasn't completely well.  It was then that same niece felt I was ready for the next step and that was to omit all grains from  my diet including Gluten.  So, with a happy gut and 15 pounds less, I am now grain and gluten free and on all raw milk products.

I have so much energy now that my husband has to tell me to slow down and relax a little. I'm sleeping now and can clean my house without feeling like I went on a mile run.  My sisters tell me my skin has never looked better.  I still have 20 pounds to go to be where I want to be but I feel good and that's all that matters.  I'm a size 10/12 and want to look good in my 50's.  I do not have hot flashes and I'm cooking and baking with coconut oil, grape seed oil, or animal fat.  I also use almond flour, coconut flour, or arrowroot flour for all my baking.  My husband loves it and claims it tastes better than regular flour.

Here are some websites that will help you:

When it comes to health, hormones, and gut bacteria have a much bigger effect than many people realize. In fact, these two factors can destroy health even if everything else (diet, supplements, etc.) is optimized.

Coconut flour recipe for pumpkin muffins:
She also has 70 other recipes for your enjoyment.

Check out recipes using almond flour from Elana's Pantry:

I pray that as you switch over to raw milk products and become grain and gluten free that you will educate yourself for your friends and family.

I highly recommend that you check out the following:  Dr. Natasha Campbell

Also, I buy my raw milk products at Sprouts.  I am so thankful they carry the products from the dairy that I researched called  7221 S Jameson Ave, Fresno, CA 93706
(559) 846-9732

I pray that this year, you will all give yourself a gift and learn new ways of taking care of yourself.  Obviously, if we are still in pain, not sleeping, gaining weight, having hot flashes, then we are doing something wrong.  

God bless you on your pursuit to wholeness.


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